I'm starting this blog as a showcase for my photography. I make photos purely for my own enjoyment, and thought perhaps other people might like to see them as well. Unless otherwise stated all photos were made with my new Nikon D5000. I just got it, and it's another reason I'm starting this blog. I really love it. Really, really, really love it!
So, for a first picture, here is my cat, Blackster, who inspired the name of this blog, and whose eye graces the top left corner.
Taken at 28mm, 1/15 second, f/8, then applied focal b&w in Picasa.
Silhouette taken at the same time, small amount of burning and bluring
And lastly, Arctium pubens or burdock: 55mm, 1/800s, f/5.6, film grain and focal b&w in picasa